Controller for managing Favorites
API | Description |
GET api/Favorites/GetFavorites |
Gets the favorites |
POST api/Favorites/ExistsFavorite |
Checks if a favorite exists |
POST api/Favorites/Add |
Add favorite to favorites list |
DELETE api/Favorites/Delete/{favoriteId} |
Removes the favorite from the favorites list |
GET api/Favorites/MoveUp/{favoriteId} |
Moves the favorite a step up in the sorting order |
GET api/Favorites/MoveDown/{favoriteId} |
Moves the favorite a step down in the sorting order |
GET api/Favorites/SetIsMailList/{favoriteId}?isMailList={isMailList} |
Sets IsMailList on the favorite |
Controller for managing items on a list.
API | Description |
POST api/List/{listId}/Items |
Gets all the items on the specified listId |
GET api/List/{listId}/Item/{id}?includeFile={includeFile} |
Gets the item with the specified id, on the given listId |
POST api/List/{listId}/UploadFile?folderUrl={folderUrl}&overwrite={overwrite} |
Uploads a file on the given listId. |
GET api/List/{listId}/Item/{id}/Email |
Gets the file as an email, for the specified item id, on the given listId. |
POST api/List/{listId}/Item/{id}/Email/Attachment/{attachmentIndex} |
Gets an attachment from the email file, for the specified item id, on the given listId. |
POST api/List/{listId}/Item/{id}/Email/AttachmentAsEmail/{attachmentIndex} |
Gets an attachment as an email object from the email file, for the specified item id, on the given listid. |
GET api/List/{listId}/Item/{id}/Substages |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ListItem/Exists |
Checks if a list item with the ListItemID or the specified IdentifierFieldValues exist in the list with ListName |
POST api/ListItem/CreateOrUpdate |
Creates or updates a list item. If a list item with the ListItemID or the specified IdentifierFieldValues exist the item is updated. If not, it is created. |
POST api/ListItem/Create |
Creates a list item |
POST api/ListItem/Update |
Updates the list item with the ListItemID or the specified IdentifierFieldValues |
POST api/ListItem/Recycle |
Recycles the list item with the ListItemID or the specified IdentifierFieldValues |
POST api/ListItem/ChangeStage |
Changes the stage for an entity |
Controller for managing events.
Controller for accessing the NumeratorService.
API | Description |
GET api/NumeratorService/NextSequenceNumber/{id} |
Gets the next sequence number for the specified sequence id. |
Controller for managing Lists.
API | Description |
GET api/lists |
Gets all lists. |
GET api/lists/{id} |
Gets the list with the specified id. |
GET api/lists/{id}/views |
Gets the Views for the List with the specified id |
Controller for managing Relations.
API | Description |
POST api/relations/GetRelationsByEntity |
Gets the relations for an item with the specified parameter.ItemID in the specified list parameter.ListID. |
POST api/Relation/GetRelationsByEntity |
Gets the relations for an item with the specified parameter.ItemID in the specified list parameter.ListID. |
GET api/relations/{id} |
Get a relation with the specified id. |
DELETE api/relations/{id} |
Deletes a relation with the specified id. |
Endpoint related to WorkPoint User Settings.
API | Description |
GET api/Users/Memberships |
Gets a list of groups current user is a member of. |
Controller for mail journals.
API | Description |
GET api/JournalLocation/GetJournalLocations?messageID={messageID} |
Gets journal locations for an email |
GET api/JournalizeFlag/SetFlags?internetMessageID={internetMessageID}&OutlookColorName={OutlookColorName} |
Sets journalize flags for an email |
Controller for managing solution license and features
API | Description |
PUT api/Search/Entities |
Searches entities. |
PUT api/Search/Documents |
Searches documents. |
PUT api/Search/Items |
Searches items. |
POST api/Search/EntityDetails?listId={listId}&listItemId={listItemId} |
Gets preview information on a searched entity. |
GET api/Search/RefinerTerms?termSetId={termSetId}&termId={termId}&firstLevelOnly={firstLevelOnly} |
Gets available refiner terms for termset |
Controller for Outlook integrations.
API | Description |
GET api/Outlook/GetMappedPath/{outlookFolderEntryId} |
Retrieves the mapped SharePoint folder |
GET api/Outlook/GetOutlookMapping/{outlookFolderEntryId} |
Retrieves the outlook mapping |
GET api/Outlook/GetOutlookMappingsForCurrentUser |
Retrieves a list of Outlook mappings for the current user |
POST api/Outlook/AddFolderWebhookAndMapping |
Register webhook on a outlook folder and adds mapping to SharePoint |
POST api/Outlook/RemoveFolderWebhookAndMapping |
Remove a registered outlook folder webhook |
POST api/Outlook/NotificationListener?validationToken={validationToken} |
This is the notification validation endpoint that is registered with the webhook subscriptions. |
POST api/Outlook/NotificationListener |
This is the notification endpoint that is subsequently hit by webhooks when an event we listen on (created / updated) occurs in the folder that is being listened on |
POST api/Outlook/SynchronizeFolders |
Endpoint to call for synchronize users mapped folders between Outlook and WorkPoint |
Controller for record management.
API | Description |
POST api/RecordManagement/Declare?siteUrl={siteUrl}&documentUrl={documentUrl} |
Declares a document as record |
POST api/RecordManagement/Undeclare?siteUrl={siteUrl}&documentUrl={documentUrl} |
Undeclares a document as record |
Controller for managing my tools.
API | Description |
GET api/MyTools |
Gets my tools |
Controller for managing advanced parameters for web apis.
API | Description |
POST api/Parameter/Set |
Saves parameter object and returns an identifier |
GET api/Parameter/Get/{identifier} |
Gets a parameter as an object |
GET api/Parameter/GetBaseParameter/{identifier} |
Gets a parameter as a BaseParameter |
GET api/Parameter/GetPowerAppAndFlowParameter/{identifier} |
Gets a parameter for PowerApp or Flow integration |
POST api/Parameter/ConstructPowerAppAndFlowParameter |
Constructs and saves a PowerAppAndFlowParameter and returns an identifier. |
Controller for managing entities
API | Description |
GET api/Entity/{businessModuleId}/GetEntityFieldSchema |
Get field schema used for other entity actions in the WorkPoint Connector |
POST api/Entity/{businessModuleId}/Copy/{sourceEntityId} |
Copies business module entity in WorkPoint |
POST api/Entity/{businessModuleId}/Create/{createSite} |
Create business module entity in WorkPoint |
POST api/Entity/{businessModuleId}/Update/{entityId} |
Updates business module entity in WorkPoint |
POST api/Entity/{businessModuleId}/ChangeStage/{entityId}/{stageId}/{overrideConstraints}/{overrideRequiredFields} |
Changes the stage for an entity |
POST api/Entity/Move |
Moves an entity |
Controller for managing Business Modules.
API | Description |
GET api/BusinessModules |
Gets all business modules |
GET api/BusinessModules/{id} |
Gets a business module |
GET api/BusinessModules/TabViewSettings |
Gets the TabView for all Business Modules |
GET api/BusinessModules/{id}/TabViewSettings |
Gets the TabView for the Business Module with the specified id |
GET api/BusinessModules/{id}/SubStages?subStagesTermSetId={subStagesTermSetId}&stageId={stageId} |
Gets the Substages for a given Stage on the Business Module with the specified id |
POST api/BusinessModules/{bmId}/Entities/{entityId}/QueueAggregationJob |
Queue an aggregation job a specific business module entity. |
API | Description |
GET api/Notify |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Notify/BusinessModules/{businessModuleId}/Entities/{entityId}?workPointTrigger={workPointTrigger} |
Notify all WebHooks that match all parameters except entityId |
Controller for managing wizards.
API | Description |
GET api/Wizard/Configurations |
Gets all wizard configurations. |
POST api/Wizard/StoreFile |
Store file temporary in blob storage |
Controller for managing solution license and features
API | Description |
GET api/License/IsLicensed |
Checks if the current solution is licensed |
GET api/License/EntityConsentStatus?businessModuleId={businessModuleId}&entitySiteUrl={entitySiteUrl} |
Retrieves the consent status of a given entity item |
PUT api/License/AcceptEntityConsent?businessModuleId={businessModuleId}&entitySiteUrl={entitySiteUrl} |
Add entry to consent list |
GET api/License/GlobalConsentStatus |
Retrieves the global consent status |
PUT api/License/AcceptGlobalConsent |
Add entry to global consent list |
GET api/License/UserLicense |
Checks if the user is licensed on the current solution |
GET api/License/Features |
Gets all the features licensed for the current solution |
GET api/License/HasFeature/{id} |
Checks if the current solution has a license that includes the specified feature id |
GET api/License/IslimitedUser/{userPrincipalName} |
Checks if a user is a limited user |
API | Description |
GET api/webhooks/registrations |
No documentation available. |
GET api/webhooks/registrations/{id} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/webhooks/registrations |
No documentation available. |
PUT api/webhooks/registrations/{id} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE api/webhooks/registrations/{id} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE api/webhooks/registrations |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/webhooks/filters |
No documentation available. |
Controller for accessing EMM
API | Description |
POST api/EMM/JournalItems |
Gets all the journal items that match the expression in the parameter |
GET api/EMM/Email/{conversationID} |
Gets an email by a conversationID |
POST api/EMM/Email/{conversationID}/Attachment/{attachmentIndex} |
Gets the attachment as a file for specified attachmentindex on the email with the given conversationID |
POST api/EMM/Email/{conversationID}/AttachmentAsEmail/{attachmentIndex} |
Gets the attachment as an email for specified attachmentindex on the email with the given conversationID |
API | Description |
GET api/SiteProperties?siteUrl={siteUrl} |
Gets Site Properties |
Controller for managing Actions and Triggers
API | Description |
GET api/BusinessModules/{id}/Actions |
Gets all active actions on a business module |
GET api/BusinessModules/{id}/Triggers |
Gets all active triggers on a business module |
POST api/BusinessModules/{bmId}/Actions/{actionId}/Run?entityId={entityId} |
Executes an action on a business module entity |
Controller for managing tasks.
API | Description |
GET api/Process |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Health |
No documentation available. |
GET admin/host/ping |
No documentation available. |
POST admin/host/ping |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET api/Token |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Token/IsLicensed |
Check if Teams Apps Studio is licensed |
GET api/Token/IsFeatureLicensed/{id} |
Checks if provided featre is licesnsed |
GET api/Token/Version |
Get Solution Version |
GET api/Token/Solution |
Get Solution Details |
Controller for accessing the NumeratorService.
API | Description |
GET api/MailMerge/GetMailMergeFields/{id} |
Gets a list of field names used for mail merge. |
GET api/MailMerge/GetMailMergedWordDocumentAsHtml?businessModuleID={businessModuleID}&entityID={entityID}&templateID={templateID} |
Creates a Word document based on a template and returns the document as html |
GET api/MailMerge/GetMailMergedWordDocument?businessModuleID={businessModuleID}&entityID={entityID}&templateID={templateID}&includeHtml={includeHtml}&includeBytes={includeBytes}&commonFieldsBusinessModuleID={commonFieldsBusinessModuleID}&commonFieldsEntityID={commonFieldsEntityID} |
Creates a Word document based on a template and returns the document |
Controller for utilities.
API | Description |
GET api/Utility/GetBackendUrl |
Gets the backend url |
API | Description |
GET api/SupportRequest |
Gets a specific support request |
GET api/SupportRequest/{id} |
Gets a specific support request |
GET api/SupportRequest/Requests |
Gets support requests |
PUT api/SupportRequest/Store |
Store a support request ticket |
Controller for suggestions.
API | Description |
POST api/Suggestion/GetEntitySuggestions |
Gets entity suggestions based on where existing emails is journalized |
Controller for documents.
API | Description |
POST api/Document/ConvertToPdfAndSaveOutput |
Converts a document to pdf and saves it to a list |
POST api/Document/DigitalSignatureCreateLogEntryForTransaction |
Creates a log entry for a digital signature transaction |
POST api/Document/DigitalSignatureAddDocumentToTransaction |
Adds a document to a digital signature transaction |
POST api/Document/DigitalSignatureCompleteDocumentInTransaction |
Completes a document in a digital signature transaction |
POST api/Document/DigitalSignatureBase64CompleteDocumentInTransaction |
Completes a document in a digital signature transaction |
POST api/Document/DigitalSignatureGenerateXwsseHeader |
Generates a xwsse header to use for digital signature |
GET api/Document/DigitalSignatureUnixTimeMilliseconds |
Gets DateTimeOffset.UtcNow converted to Unix time milliseconds |
GET api/Document/DigitalSignatureLogEntry/{transactionID} |
Gets a log entry from the digital signature log |
Controller for managing solution license and features
API | Description |
GET api/Solution/Info |
Gets information for the current solution |
Controller for managing solution license and features
API | Description |
GET api/Command/CanConnect |
Simple Test Method to test if there is access to the API |
POST api/Command/CreateSites |
Creates an entity site |
POST api/Command/DeleteSites |
Deletes an entity site |
Controller for managing Lists.
API | Description |
POST api/BusinessModules/{bmId}/Entities/{entityId}/EntitySecurityReplication/{replicationMode} |
Runs the entity scope replication. This means it only runs security replication for entities, everything else is not replicated. |
Controller for managing Sites
API | Description |
POST api/SiteManagement/CreateSiteIfNotExists |
Creates a site for a list item if it does not exists. |
POST api/SiteManagement/RegisterSiteCollection |
Register a site collection to be used by WorkPoint for multi site collection |